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Home > News > CPC & Trystar Official Launch New Re-Branding

CPC & Trystar Official Launch New Re-Branding

by Suzanne Hooley

You’ve known us as Controlled Power Company (CPC) for a long time.   While we’re still the same electrical power quality solutions provider that you’ve trusted, we are continuing to integrate our business with Trystar.   Trystar has spent many years building a strong brand through exceptional product design, amazing engineering, and strong customer relationships.   And as you already know, so has Controlled Power Company!

We believe both brands are central to many years of delivering value to the electrical power market; and represent who we are to employees, sales representatives, prospects, customers, suppliers, and the broader community.   When Trystar acquires a brand (e.g., CPC) to become part of the Trystar family, great respect is given to that brand and time is taken to deliberately integrate that brand into Trystar.  Trystar learns from the acquired business, and improves it as it becomes part of the company.

Earlier this month, CPC and Trystar officially launched a new re-branding effort!
We want to share some details about our re-branding strategy and our communication plan.   The first step in our re-branding is introducing our interim combined logo for our Troy, Michigan location:

As CPC begins re-branding as Trystar, this interim logo is already on our website, our LinkedIn page, and in our e-mail signatures.  You’ll soon begin to see it on our business cards and sales collateral, social media, and in other documentation that you’re accustomed to seeing and receiving from us.
(Just a little FYI … if you’re not familiar with Trystar’s logo, the icon/mark was inspired by the look of wiring diagrams, which is a nod to the power industry.   The “T” was worked into the design.)

Know that your current CPC contacts in Purchasing, Sales, Accounting, and other departments have not changed.   Please continue to interact with your CPC contacts, just as you have been doing.

Throughout the re-branding, we will continue to communicate our progress.   We expect this effort to be complete within the next 12 – 15 months, after which time CPC will then be known as Trystar.

We know that re-branding brings both excitement and apprehension.   While this type of change can feel disruptive and uncertain, we encourage you to view our efforts as a positive step forward!   We strongly believe that operating under a single, unified brand will benefit everyone we work with; and clearly illustrates our commitment to provide a seamless experience for you!

We value your questions and concerns!   All feedback will be reviewed by the appropriate member(s) of our Trystar – Troy team, and we will reply to you with any further clarification.

We see a vibrant future ahead, and we hope you share our excitement as we continue to build our future together!

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